BambooHR - Workforce Import Instructions

Import your current employee roster from BambooHR

To import an employee roster from BambooHR into Jirav, follow these steps:

  1. Connect BambooHR to Jirav:

    • Go to Setup ⚙️ > Actuals in Jirav.
    • Select "Connect" next to BambooHR.
  2. Choose Authentication Method:

    Choose your preferred authentication method and follow the subsequent prompts to enter the requested information based on your selection:

    • BambooHR credentials

      To authenticate BambooHR via OAuth, you will need to provide your BambooHR account credentials.
      Refer to Merge's "BambooHR - How do I link using OAuth?" guide for detailed instructions.
    • API key or Access token: 
      To authenticate BambooHR using an API Key, you will need to provide the following information: Subdomain & API Key
      Refer to Merge's "BambooHR - How do I link using an API key?" guide for detailed instructions.
  3. Confirm Connection:
    • After completing the authentication steps, click Submit in Jirav.
    • You should receive confirmation of a successful connection after submission.
      Successful Integration SS
  4. Import Employee Roster:
    • Once BambooHR is authorized for Jirav, the "Connect" button will change to "Import."
    • Click "Import" to synchronize the current employee roster with the Jirav Staffing table.

Be Aware:

The initial import process may take up to 24 hours to fully complete. During this time, it is possible you may see a partial list of employees as the import progresses in batches. Subsequent imports will be immediately available.