Multiple Dashboards

Create dashboards with data customized for different groups of users

Jirav gives you the ability to visualize your data through dashboards.  Multiple dashboards can be created for different audiences or user groups.

For example, you might have a company-wide dashboard for your management team that includes revenue metrics, forecasted headcount, cash balances, etc. of the company.  You may then want a second dashboard for your sales and marketing team to see sales metrics, opportunities, leads, and budget to actual comparisons of operating expenses for the department.

This is achieved by navigating to the Manage Dashboards option under the Dashboard dropdown arrow.

Select the Ellipsis Ellipsis next to an existing dashboard to Clone, Move, or Delete the dashboard.  Dashboards can be easily renamed by selecting and overriding the text name.  Select Add Dashboard at the bottom to add a new dashboard.


For further Dashboard customization please refer to our help article Section:
Learn More About Dashboards.