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Numerical Tile

A numerical expression of data

As the name would imply, this tile type provides a numerical expression of your data.  Numerical tiles are commonly used to display key metrics such as cash on hand, headcount, run rates, and operational metrics.

To create a numerical tile, click the Actions button on the upper right of the Dashboard and choose Add New > Tile.

You can also clone or repurpose an existing tile by clicking the EllipsisEllipsis on the existing tile and choosing Edit or Clone


After selecting Create New Tile or Edit for an existing tile, populate a Tile Name and then use the drop-down selections to choose what data will be pulled into the tile.  As shown in the example below, to get a headcount tile, we've selected "Headcount Cumulative" (which pulls the headcount number from the staffing model) and compared our Plan of Record against our Actuals for the current month.​  The Preview area will update as you make selections to show what the tile will look like when finished.

allows you to select Total.

The Range provides the user the ability to select varying lengths of time. It determines in what month(s) your capture will land in. For example, if you have an offset of -4, this means that you will look 4 months back. Say you have a starting date of September with an offset of -4, you would be looking (back) at data from May 1 forward. 

Show Actuals Until option Determine if all actuals that have been imported should be displayed or just actuals up until the Close Month. Choose Close Month to display actuals only up until the close month or Max to display all actuals available in your account.
Learn more about "Show Actuals Until".

Utilize Variances As calculations (% and $) to easily and quickly compare data between (Source vs Compared To). 

Click Save to insert the new tile into your dashboard or save the changes made to an existing tile.