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Ranges provide the user the ability to select varying lengths of time, present the values in a Dashboard Tile, Report, and perform mathematical calculations in Drivers

This article explains the difference between two distinct groups of Ranges are available in Jirav for selection and functionality of those Ranges based on their area of usage:

Default vs Custom Ranges

When tailoring your DashboardsReports, and Drivers for review Jirav uses Ranges in order to define the period that is presented or used within the Driver formula. The selection of the Range is made from within the window that is shown in the screen shot below:

Default Ranges are the Ranges that are added to your Jirav account by default. There is no possibility to adjust or delete the Default Range.

For times when you need to make a selection of a range that is not listed there is the ability to create a Custom Range. This is done by either selecting the ➕next to Custom Ranges or Edit when you have hovered over a custom range within the list. 

Examples of Custom Ranges:

Custom Range Name Start Width End Start Shift End Shift
Close Month Close Month 1 Month Auto None None
This Month Last Year Current Month 1 Month Auto -12 Months None
2 Months Ago Current Month 1 Month Auto - 2 Months None
5 Months Ago Current Month 1 Month Auto - 5 Months None
+ 3 Months Current Month 1 Month Auto 3 Months None
1st Month of Year Current Fiscal Year Start 1 Month Auto None None
This Month Next Year Current Month 1 Month Auto 12 Months None
Next 12 Months Current Month 12 Months Auto None None
Trailing 4 Months including Current Month Current Month 4 Months Auto - 3 Months None

Helpful Hint

  • If the desired Custom Range's Width or Start Shift is not included on the list, populate it manually as presented on the screenshot below:

Ranges within Dashboards

Ranges under Tiles within Dashboards provide the ability to select a desired length of time that should be displayed.

There are two ways of customizing Tiles Range:

  • Individual Tile Update:
    • select the ellipsis . . . from the top right of the desired Tile to access a context menu specific to the individual Tile
    • click on Edit
    • adjust the Range to present data for a desired period of time and save changes

The adjusted Ranges is immediately reflected under the Tile:

  • Bulk Editing
    • select the Edit Dashboard gear icon on the right side of the screen
    • select the top-most checkbox to select all tiles to update, or select individual checkboxes to update specific tiles. The column-level settings in the first will be activated
    • after selecting Apply, the Tiles in which the changes will be saved are highlighted. Additional changes can be made, or select Save to save the changes and go back to the Dashboard

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Ranges within Reports

Report Ranges provide the ability to select a desired length of time that should be displayed.  There are two approaches for customizing Report's Range:

  • Individual Report Editing:
    • select Edit Columns icon from the right Navigation Panel
    • adjust the Report Period to present data for a desired period of time and save changes

The adjusted Report Period is immediately reflected under the Tile:

  • Bulk Editing
    • navigate to Report Settings
    • select the top-most checkbox to select all Reports to update, or select individual checkboxes to update specific Report. The column-level settings in the first will be activated
    • after selecting Apply, the Report in which the changes will be saved are highlighted. Additional changes can be made, or select Save to save the changes and go back to the Report Template

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Ranges within Drivers

Range under Drivers determines which time period(s) should be referenced for the Input's category. In other words, it indicates which time period(s) should be taken for the calculation formula. Range customization is available for Custom Drivers (both Plan and Global Drivers).

Ranges under Custom Drivers can be used in multiple ways. Let's say that 80% of your A/R is collected with Net 30 days delay and the remaining 20% with a Net 60 Delay.
There were $500,000 of Invoices issued in March 2024 which means that $400,000 should be received in April and the remaining $100,000 in May.

To create Drivers that will mirror the above calculation we need to use the right Ranges. Payment for 80% of A/R should be received next month (Net 30 days delay), which means that in April we should take Invoices issued last month (in March) and multiply them by 80%, that's why our Range should be selected as the Last Month:

Similarly to Net 30 days delay, we need to create a Driver for Net 60 days delay. Payment for 20% of Invoices issued in March should be received in May, which means that in May we need to take Invoices issued 2 Months ago, so in March and multiply them by 20%.

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