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How to create Account Groupings in the Executive Summary Report

Learn how to create Financial Statement Line Items that roll/add up accounts on the Executive Summary Income Statement

Jirav provides the ability to add together different accounts from your income statement into customized rows within the Executive Summary Report.

Pro Tip: You can create more than one Executive Summary report that has different groupings, each report element that is added to a template is independent

To do this follow these steps:

1. Navigate to your Executive Summary report type - if you don't have one added to your Report Template check out our help article on how to add this report into your Reporting Template.

2. Once you are on the report select the "Edit Rows" option at the top of the report

3. Once you are in the edit rows scroll down to the Income Statement section where you can then select "+ Add Account Groups"

4. Once you select to add an account group Jirav will add a row labeled "New Item" that you can then re-name - for example total employee cost as displayed in the screenshot below:


5. Continue to add account groups into the Revenue, COGS, and OpEx sections of the income statement and then select "Apply" at the bottom


Once you select apply what you have created as account groups, it will appear within the Income Statement section of your Executive Summary.