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Column Tile

Single series and multiple series in vertical columns

The column tile shows data in vertical columns. It can be used to show data that is from a single series or from multiple series. 

Single Series

Single-series tiles are good for displaying simple data or top-level data like total OpEx. Let's take an example of showing all OpEx for All Departments.

Step 1:

Go to the Dashboard and select Actions and Tile: 

Step 2:

In the tile configuration screen, Give the Tile Name [1], select the Series dropdown menu to choose the desired Series [2], and choose the Source data [3] as well as any Compared To [4] data.

Once you select the drop-down dialogue a box will appear in which you will select the Series Category [1], Department [2], and Account [3]. Press save and the screen will return to the tile configuration screen.

Step 3:

Next, we are going to select the Periodicity, Range, and Display options:

  • Periodicity [1] allows you to select Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly or Total
  • The Range [2] provides the user the ability to select varying lengths of time. It determines in what month(s) your capture will land in. For example, if you have an offset of -4, this means that you will look 4 months back. Say you have a starting date of September with an offset of -4, you would be looking (back) at data from May 1 forward. 
  • The Display [3] option is set to "Subtotal", which means we are only going to chart the top line, not the children.
  • Show Actuals Until [4] option Determine if all actuals that have been imported should be displayed or just actuals up until the Close Month. Choose Close Month to display actuals only up until the close month or Max to display all actuals available in your account.
    Learn more about "Show Actuals Until".
  • The Hide Zeroes [5] option can be enabled or disabled.
  • Modify the Chart Colors [6] of a specific data Series.
  • Customize Data Labels [7] by showing or hiding Values and Series Name.
  • Turn on or turn off Legend [8].

At this point, you will see a Preview [1] of what your tile will look like:

Step 4:

Hit the Save button and you are done.

Multi-Series, Single Family

Multi-series tiles are useful when you want to show second-level detail. This is the case where all the lines in the series belong to the same family and each time series is a child of a single-parent line such as Opex by Account, Salaries by Department, etc.

Let's take the same example as we did for the Single Series tile above but this time let's show all the child lines.

Step 1 through Step 3:

Follow the same steps as the Single Series tile above - excluding the Display option

Step 4:

  • The Display [1] option is set to "Children", which means we are only going to chart the children.
  • The Group By [2] can be set by "Department" or "Account" (here: "Department").
  • Show Actuals Until [3] option Determine if all actuals that have been imported should be displayed or just actuals up until the Close Month. Choose Close Month to display actuals only up until the close month or Max to display all actuals available in your account.
    Learn more about "Show Actuals Until".
  • The Hide Zeroes [4] option can be enabled or disabled.
  • Modify the Chart Colors [5] of a specific data Series.
  • Customize Data Labels [6] by showing or hiding Values and Series Name.
  • Turn on or turn off Legend [7].

Pro Tip: In many cases, you will want to hide zeroes and this can be done by flipping the selector on at the bottom of the Tile Configuration box. 

Step 5:

Press "Save" at the bottom of the Tile Configuration screen once you are happy with the settings and you will be brought back to the Dashboard and the tile will appear at the upper leftmost position.  

To move the tile select the ellipsis in the upper right-hand side of the tile and select move, you can then drag the tile to the desired location.

Multi-Series, Mixed Family

This kind of chart is useful when trying to show different types of data series. Examples are ad spend vs revenue,  CAC vs LTV,  Cash Runway as Operating vs Predicted vs Standard Runway, etc.

Create a custom group

We first create a custom line group that contains all the lines that we want to chart.

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Lines
  2. Create a Custom Line group and rename it to whatever you want to call it
  3. Add the lines you want to add to the group
  4. Please make sure all the lines in the group have the same format and aggregation rule
  5. Now use the group menu to "Add subtotal" for this group. This step may not always make sense for the lines in the group. However, it is a required step to create a hierarchy that can then be charted on the dashboard.
  6. That's it, you are done with this part.

Create the tile

Now you can create the tile using the same steps as for a single-family, multi-series tile above. Just choose your custom group for the series that you want to chart.

Continue your Basic Certification -> Create a Custom Line