Release Notes - 2024 (Updated thru July)

Learn about newly released product features.

July 2024 

Version 24.07

Increased Tile Name length to 60 characters

  • The number of characters has been expanded from 20 to 60
  • Added the ability to see the Tile Name upon hover

Updated Notifications

  • Select or de-select which E-Mail Notifications you would like to receive

Report Source UI and Terminology Updates

  • Label Updates

    • The three Sources in each Report configuration was previously referred to as Column 1, Column 2 and Column 3. They will now be referred to as Primary Source, Comparison Source 1 and Comparison Source 2

    • The Report Period date picker has been relabeled as Date Range and the Period for the comparison sources has been relabeled as Relative Date Range
    • The Report Columns dropdown where users select how they want their reports to be aggregated (Months, Quarters, and Year Halves, Years and Total) has been relabeled at “Show Dates By

  • Side Sheet Reorganization
    • The Date Range picker (prev. Report Period) has been pulled down to be selected within the Primary Source
    • The "Show Dates By" dropdown (prev. Report Columns) will also be selected within the primary source
    • Department Filter, Show Notes control, and Show Partial Total Footnotes Control all moved to “Report Level” settings at the top
  • Relative Date Range Addition
    • Two new options were added to the Relative Date Range dropdowns for the comparison sources:
      • Next Period
      • Next Year

Report Variance Dropdown Update

  • The variance dropdowns now reference the chosen sources and date ranges so that selecting a variance calculation is easy and without confusion

Staff List Report "Edit Columns" Update

  • The controls that were not relevant to the Staff List report were removed to create a less confusing setup

  • The date picker is labeled as “Employed During”

New format options in exported Text Page to Excel

  • Formatting that is added to a Text page will be exported to Excel, including pictures

QuickBooks Desktop Web Connector - Beta

  • The UI for integrating with QBD using the QuickBooks Web Connector is now in the application behind a feature flag
  • Users who have this feature flag turned on will be able to choose with integration method they would like to use - Autofy or QBWC


June 2024 

Version 24.06

Add Data Labels & Legend to the Dashboard Tiles

  • Customize Data Labels by showing or hiding Values and Series Name
  • Tile's Legend can be turned on or turned off
  • Data Labels & Legend will be displayed in the exported PDF

Customize Text Page with text editor capabilities such as:

  • 12 Common Fonts
  • Font Colors
  • Underline & Strikethrough
  • Indent/Outdent
  • Numbered & Bullet lists
  • Emojis
  • Clear Formatting

Export Excel with Formats:

  •  Export the format changes you built in your Reporting Packages into Excel and Google Sheets

Updated Company Settings Page

Updated Audit Log Page

  • Review Audit Logs for the desired Range (This Month, This Year, Custom)
  • Click on the specific row to display action details

May 2024 

Version 24.05

Change Colors from Dashboard Tiles

  • Modify the color of a specific data series directly from the dashboard tile.

Updated In-App Onboarding Steps

  • Easily set up new accounts by completing the onboarding tasks.

Updated Users Page

Updated Assumption Settings Page

April 2024 

Version 24.04

Automatic Roll Forward

  • Enable plans to roll forward automatically to include an additional month of actuals - enable the setting from Plans > Manage Plans

Excel Workforce Template Staff List Download

  • Excel Workforce Template download is now populated with the current list of employees per the Workforce module

Balance Sheet Out of Balance Automatic Heal

  • Jirav now detects when your balance sheet is out of balance and reimports actuals to correct the out of balance automatically* for all periods previously imported 
    *Account must be set to automatically import actuals and this feature does not apply to QuickBooks Desktop or Excel integrations

Plan Row Preservation

  • Consistency in account expansion levels is maintained when switching departments within planning tables, enhancing efficiency during data input and analysis

March 2024

Version 24.03

Enhanced Plan Tables

  • Improved planning tables with a visually appealing design to facilitate smoother data input and review processes

Visual Comment Alerts

  • Receive visual alerts indicating the number of unread comments across all sections of the application - once viewed the visual alert will disappear 

Formula Bar Support for Balance Sheet and Allocation Drivers

  • Balance Sheet and Allocation Drivers are now visible in the planning tables, eliminating the need to navigate to the Drivers area to view these formulas

February 2024

Version 24.02

Auto-Forecast Enhancements (Beta)

  • Enable Auto-Forecast by Account & Department
  • Additional Forecast Methodologies for Linear Trend without Seasonality and Simple Average 

Learn more about Auto-Forecast.

PDF Report  Enhancement

  • Choose which report sections to include Footnotes on