Learn how to optimize your Report presentation by customizing Report Column Headers
Customizing Report Column Headers enhances Report consistency and allows you to create a standardized Report Package that is aligned with your reporting requirements. This article helps you get a better understanding of customization of the column header outputs and adding controls that will allow users to reorder, show/hide, and merge headers.
Email support@jirav.com to enable the Report Column Headers feature.
To modify Report Column Headers click on the Edit Columns icon under the right Navigation Panel of the Report:
Note, that Report Column Headers' functionality is applied to the following report types: Executive Summary, Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Workforce, Custom, and Goals.
Column Headers functionality allows Users to:
- show or hide Headers via an on/off switch
- drag and drop to order Headers
- merge Headers when possible
Shown or hide Headers via an on/off switch
Headers can be shown or hidden via an on/off switch. The Date Header cannot be turned off:
Actuals | Forecast Indicator is by default turned off. When it's turned on, this will check every non-variance column to see if the given month within the right Source is related to the Actuals or Forecast period and put the relevant indication there.
Actuals Source will always just show Actuals in the Actuals | Forecast Header.
The specific Plan's Actuals Period & Forecast Period can be verified and adjusted by navigating to the Plan area and selecting the chevron to the right of the currently viewed active Plan and selecting "Manage Plans":
If a column contains both Actuals and Forecast (for example, when a Plan is a Source and the column is showing a full quarter, year, half, etc. that starts before and ends after the Cutover date) the Actuals | Forecast indicator value will say Forecast.
The only time the Actuals | Forecast Indicator says Actuals is when all of the data in that column time period contains Actuals.
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Drag and drop to order Headers
Headers order can be easily adjusted by dragging and dropping Headers in the desired way.
Merge Headers when possible
If merging common labels is turned on for a header row, it will be merged and centered over the columns that share that value.
The rule is that ‘Middle headers can only be merged if they are under and within a top merged Header’. If the columns do not fall under the same top header, they can not be merged.
Source Headers (here: Rolling Forecast) are not merged as they are not within the same top Header. The Top Header in this example is the Actuals | Forecast Indicator which is not the same for the chosen Date Range as Last Year: Q1-23 is Actuals and Q2 up to Q4-23 is the Forecast (Cutover Date of the Rolling Forecast Plan is June 2023).
Actuals | Forecast Indicator Header is merged as it is within the same top Header. There is only one Source (Rolling Forecast).
The bottom-most header row is unable to be merged. If there is only one header row it will become the bottom-most and therefore can not be merged, it will repeat.
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