Update Plan with Actuals

Include the most current month of Actuals in your Plan.

While an import of your Accounting data is conducted automatically on a daily basis and applies to the two latest months of Actuals, Plans need to be updated manually.

Did you know?

  • Actuals will automatically import each night for the last 60 days of accounting data (this is not applicable if your accounting system is QuickBooks Desktop or Excel)
  • You can manually import actuals for any time period at any time by selecting IMPORT from Settings⚙️> Actuals
  • If you would prefer not to have actuals automatically imported, you can disable the setting from  Settings⚙️> Company > Accounting > Accounting Import > Manual.

As mentioned above, Jirav maintains an automatic import of Actuals for the two latest months , however, it does not result in automatic update of your Plans and including the most current Actual month in it.

That's why despite the fact that, your Actuals are imported and updated to the most current month in Jirav, your Reports based on the specific Plan, still display previous month of Actuals.

To update your Plans with Actuals, navigate to the Plan section and select the chevron to the right of the currently selected active plan to open the context menu and select "Manage Plans":

Then, you need to click on the dropdown next to the Actuals Period for the right Plan and adjust it to include closed Actual Month:

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your Plans accurately reflect your most up-to-date Actuals.