Once your Jirav Reporting Package is ready to show off you can directly share from Jirav or export it
Sharing using Jirav
In order to streamline the process of inviting a user into Jirav and explaining how to navigate to the specific reports you are asking them to review, you can directly share the reporting package with them.
Navigate to the Reporting package that you want to share within Jirav and select "Share & Export" from the "v" dropdown as shown in the screenshot below:
Note, you can also share a Published Report in the same way:
This results in a pop-up that allows you to enter the recipient's email address to invite them into Jirav with an email that has a link to sign up for Jirav and see the Reporting Package.
Note that users being invited in only have the ability to view what is being shared with them; they do not have any edit rights. This means that the time periods displayed and related financial information cannot be changed by the user. Click here to learn more about user permissions.

Below is the email that the person receives once the Reporting Package is shared with them.

Exporting as PDF / Excel / Google Sheets
To export a Report to PDF, Google Sheets or Excel, select the desired Report Template, select the "Share & Export" button in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen to activate the context menu and then select Export as PDF, Export as Excel or Export as Google Sheets.
For Export as PDF, preview PDF will generate a preview of the Report Template in Jirav which can then be edited by clicking on the "PDF Settings" button and downloaded to PDF.
PDF Settings that are available to customize are:
- Page Alignment (Left / Center)
- Orientation (Portrait / Landscape)
- Sizing Options
- Fixed Width: we assign a fixed width to each column. In cases where there are a lot of columns on the page, some columns might get cut off on the right.
- Fit To Page: we auto-size the column sizes to make sure all data is visible.
- Export Footnotes (As Footnotes / Inline)
Export as Excel will export the Report Template to Excel with a tab for each Report. Note, that formatting included under your Report Package in Jirav will be exported to Excel as well.
Export as Google Sheets will ask you to pick the right Google Account and export the Report Template to Google Sheets with a tab for each Report. Note, that similarly to exporting to Excel, formatting included under your Report Package in Jirav will be also exported to Google Sheets as well.
Learn how to Export a single Report to Excel: